Nurse Shortages Presenting New Challenges to Healthcare

The Covid-19 coronavirus has placed a significant strain on all of the healthcare resources of this country. None more than in human resources, particularly nurses and physicians. This article points out that at least half of all states are now facing staff shortages and more than a third of hospitals in these states are “simply …

Nursing Burnout and Resiliency

Covid 19 has stressed the medical system in immeasurable ways – from the challenging science and epidemiology of the disease to racing for vaccines and other therapies, to having enough personal protective equipment for all essential workers, to the challenge of effectively communicating simple public health measures of masks and social distance, to the mental …


We read and hear a great deal about nurse burnout.  In a recent survey conducted by NBC News, they reported that evidence suggested that two-thirds of nurses are considering leaving their jobs or the profession because of the pandemic.  Put on top of this an already current and projected shortage of nurses. We also know …

Quantaira Health Announces Successful Development of Quantaira 101 Ventilator Technology Platform

NEW YORK, April 22, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — Quantaira, Inc., a New York-based health technology company, announced today it has completed research and development of its ventilator technology and intends to pursue rapid regulatory approval to help with the COVID-19 pandemic.  Quantaira 101 is the first technology designed to efficiently and optimally manage ICU patients undergoing mechanical ventilation. “We are …