Quantaira Health Announces Partnership with ShareSource of The Healthcare Council

New York, NY, August 15, 2023: Quantaira, Inc., A New York-based health technology company, announced today, it will be partnering with ShareSource of the Healthcare Council. Quantaira’s Patient C.A.R.E.™ platform creates comprehensive monitoring of synchronized biometric data, medication lists, and care team notes, remotely.

Todd Gross, Chairman and Founder of Quantaira Health, states “The reach of ShareSource along with their growth trajectory and forward-looking plan has our team very excited about the partnership.” Additionally, Mr. Gross says, “The ability to showcase our Patient C.A.R.E.™ technology, revenue cycle enhancement and data monetization capabilities should usher in a much-needed new era in hospital monitoring that will help in a myriad of ways. These include the following: (1) enhancing each institution’s investment in their EMR; (2) creating an environment
where nurses, pharmacists, and members of the clinical team can be more effective with the ability to share patient information easily and instantaneously; and (3) automatically verify and aggregate billing on each monitored bed more efficiently.”

The alliance of Quantaira Health and ShareSource will provide its members access to the revolutionary software platform, Patient C.A.R.E.™ (Comprehensive Access for Remote Evaluation) which enables clinicians to easily observe ALL patient data from multiple medical devices, ventilators, EMR, labs and medications given and synchronize them onto one screen.

For more information on Quantaira Health please visit our website at www.quantaira.com or click to view our most recent video on Patient C.A.R.E.™ at Quantaira Patient C.A.R.E. video.

About ShareSource:
Share Source is a Group Purchasing Organization focused on reducing costs, improving efficiency, and creating effective purchasing solutions for its affiliates. ShareSource is a wholly owned subsidiary of The Healthcare Council. The Healthcare Council is an association of healthcare providers, schools and health-related institutions assisting members by promoting intelligent planning, facilitating discussion of common problems, and acting as a clearinghouse for the
exchange of information.

About Quantaira Health:
Quantaira Health has developed Patient C.A.R.E. (Comprehensive Access for Remote Evaluation), a patient-centered Complete Monitoring system. Patient C.A.R.E.™ is a software platform that enables healthcare providers to easily observe biometrics and medications remotely from multiple medical devices. Our new Billing Module will help to significantly increase billing revenue by being able to track billable time more accurately.

Press Contact:
Mike Corcoran
[email protected]

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